

Call for Papers






Program Commitee




Austrochip Logo




Call for Papers

The 28th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronic takes place in Vienna on the 7th of October 2020.

It provides a forum for exchanging ideas, presenting and discussing research results and get feedback back from an interdisciplinary audience consisting of physicists, engineers, and computer scientists.

Technically, Austrochip focuses on the design of analog, digital, and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems. Submissions of original research papers should cover, but are not limited to the following topics:

Submissions from both academia as well as from the industry are welcome. We especially invite PhD students to present their ongoing work but also content from excellent MSc theses in the field of the previously mentioned conference topics will be considered.

Review Process and Proceedings

All submissions will be blind-reviewed by the technical program committee. Papers that are accepted by the program committee will be made available in electronic form at the conference. All accepted papers that are written in English and that meet the IEEE requirements will be submitted to be published at IEEE Xplore as done for previous Austrochip conferences. Submission implies willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper at the conference.

Instructions for Authors

Papers should have a minimum size of 4 pages any should not exceed 8 pages (including references and appendix). Submitted papers must be anonymous and can be written in English or German (note, that only submissions in English can be considered for publication at IEEE Xplore!). All papers must follow the guidelines of the IEEE (see here for templates). Further details can be found here.